New York Public Library Apps

HomeworkNYC 1.0.1
HomeworkNYC offers students 4 powerfulfunctions: SearchIt!, Dial-A-Teacher Online, CalculateIt! andAttendIt!. SearchIt! launches curriculum related web searches andprovides free NYC public library database access. Dial-A-TeacherOnline connects students and NYC teachers for live, real-timehomework help. CalculateIt! presents calculators to help with allkinds of math homework. AttendIt! searches teen programs at NYCpublic libraries. HomeworkNYC is powered by The New York PublicLibrary, Brooklyn Public Library and Queens Library.
Find the Future 1.1
Embark on an adventure at The New YorkPublicLibrary. Inside the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building are 100powerfulobjects that have changed history. Unlock maps to eachArtifact,learn their stories, and scan them with your camera toactivatetheir special Powers. Collect their Powers by touching andholdingyour screen. Watch your Powers grow -- and finish youradventureonline, where the 100 Artifacts you find at the Librarycan helpyou write and publish your own worldchanging Epic. This appworkswith the online game Find the Future at NYPL: The Gameavailable at
Libretto 1.3
This prototype "multimodal" ebook readerallowsusers to read the scripts of musicals and, where available,hear themusic associated with them or study the sheet music. Thisapp comesbundled with a draft of a variorum edition of the 1866musical, "TheBlack Crook." An experiment in Digital Curation byNew York PublicLibrary for the Performing Arts.
SimplyE 7.2.5
Browse, borrow, and read free library e-books, from bestsellers toclassics.
Open eBooks 2.5.3
Open eBooks makes popular eBooks available to kids from low-incomehouseholds.